Escucha la Biblia.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Unreached people of the day

Sayyid of India
The Sayyid are one of the larger segments of Muslims in India. The word literally means "master"; the closest English equivalent would be "sir" or "lord". Some Muslims use the term sayyid for the descendants of Abu Talib, uncle of Muhammad. Sayyid ancestors migrated to India from different parts of Iran.

Ministry Obstacles
The Sayyid may have an inadequate understanding of who Jesus truly is, the Son of God, deity.

Outreach Ideas
Christian workers need to build good relationships with the Sayyid people, friendships based upon trust.

Pray for the followers of Christ
Pray the followers of Christ that will soon emerge from the Sayyid community will become well established in the faith, fully trusting in Christ for their eternal life and for power to live the present life. Pray they will live holy lives.

Pray for the entire people group
Pray the Sayyid community will increasingly hunger to truly know and follow Isa (Jesus) of the Koran.

Scripture Focus
"Having an eternal gospel to preach to those who live on the earth, and to every nation and tribe and tongue and people." Revelation 14:6

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