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Friday, August 26, 2011

Nathan Ironside y el Sonido de un Nuevo dia

Nathan Ironside has been, writing worship songs, leading worship and bands since he was 14. To date he's also produced over 30 albums (many of which are expressions of worship). "It's exciting for me to now focus on releasing and producing solo worship recordings as 'Nathan Ironside & The Stirring," says Nathan "I really believe people are going to love the songs and passion that we've put into these recordings". New album 'Sound of a New Day' (released August 28th 2011) is just the beginning. Nathan is already collaborating with friends towards the next project and there is another 40 songs on the way for 2012. Enjoy the MP3s for download and streaming !
What is ‘The Stirring’? 
‘The Stirring’ is our vision and heart behind the music. We want to see people alive, awake & responding! Worshipers in Spirit & Truth is what God is looking for. We want to inspire both creative musicians & people in everywhere to shake off in-difference, to reject apathy, to express their worship in excellence and authenticity.
“But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him.” 
John 4:23 

If worship is the 'spiritual air' we breathe then reaching out to others with the Fathers heart is our 'life-blood'. We cannot worship and not reach out. ‘The Stirring’ exists not only to inspire worship but also to inspire action.
“Take away from Me the noise of your songs, For I will not hear the melody of your stringed instruments. But let justice run down like water, And righteousness like a mighty stream.” 
Amos 5:23-24 

This is what God wants from us. 

The goal of the ‘The Stirring’ community is that our worship truly counts … Lets take it from the ‘building’ to the ‘beggar’ … from a great ‘concert’ to a great ‘compassion’ … A passionate response of more than a song: but a river of justice + hope, a mighty stream of generosity and right living before God.
Our focus is a Creative – Worship – Action ministry. Our vision is to see a community of ‘Creative Worshipers’ from around the world who are faithful members of their local church / community join with us to extend God’s heart to real people with real and urgent needs.
Information about current specific projects will be available online at
Nathan & Mary Ironside 
alive + awake + responding now

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